"Sessions with Anna have, and continue to be a hugely important part of my week. Their impact extends beyond the time spent during the session - I can now see positive aspects in almost any situation, even hideous ones; whether it be 'I was able to react calmly' or 'I now know how to deal with that better'. It’s like a superpower and a massive change for me personally! I am able to, without effort, notice joy and beauty in the world instead of feeling swamped by negativity; overwhelmed by global events and difficult personal situations. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and, without realising it (prior to my diagnosis) Anna has been a critical part of managing my symptoms. She listens and responds in an intelligent, gentle, calm and helpful manner. She is highly professional, caring and a lovely person - I would highly recommend her to anyone feeling like they need a bit of help navigating life!"
"I had regular sessions with Anna for 8 months. This involved weekly online sessions and using the recorded hypnosis at night. Anna’s sessions were uplifting and motivating and I looked forward to each session. I enjoyed taking time out of my busy schedule to solely focus on the positive things happening in my life and being challenged to come up with more positive things each week. In the sessions, we mainly focused on helping me with managing my anxiety, time management and productivity as a student. Not too long after we started the sessions, I noticed my anxiety was becoming more manageable in class and my confidence was improving. This allowed me to contribute more to the lessons which benefited my learning. With my confidence improving I have also been better at putting up boundaries and being assertive. Alongside this, my insomnia has improved considerably, my thinking has become positive and I have experienced an overall improvement in my well-being. I am grateful for this opportunity and your time Anna! Thank you."
"I would recommend Anna without question. I visited Anna to help with driving anxiety and found driving over bridges or near steep drops extremely anxiety provoking.
After a few sessions with Anna my son needed picking up from an airport on the south coast and I thought it was a good opportunity for me to push myself. I used to drive the road regularly years ago before my anxiety and knew this would be a good test.
I was able to drive for over 5 hours to collect him and his friend and was amazed at how much easier I found it. I had also forgotten when agreeing to pick him up that I would be driving along many roads with steep drops and despite this at no point did my anxiety kick in and I actually enjoyed the views."
"I have seen Anna for hypnotherapy for 9 sessions over the last 3 months. Low self-esteem and an underlying general anxiety (which occasionally flares up and leads to catastrophizing) had been ever-present in my life, to the point where I had felt it was normal to feel like that.
Working with Anna to address these deep-rooted issues has really opened up my perception as to how different my life can feel. The day-to-day changes have seemed subtle, but when I look back to before my hypnotherapy, I can see that there's actually been a fundamental shift in my mindset which I hope I can hold onto and continue to work on.
Anna herself is lovely, empathetic and non-judgemental. She can explain really clearly how our brains work and what we need to do to alter our thought processes.
Working with Anna has been such a positive experience for me and I would definitely advise anyone else with the same issues to give hypnotherapy a try."
"I would just like to say a big thank you to Anna. It has been about two months since I stopped my sessions with Anna, and I am still feeling the impact of the work we did together and going forwards with my thinking, how I feel and how I am tackling life. I partly didn't want to write the review earlier because I wasn't sure if my feeling of being able to cope with my anxiety, life stresses, etc, would be able to be maintained without the support that the hypnotherapy sessions gave me. Well it has, and I have gone back to work after Christmas with renewed energy, started a fitness class and signed up for a mindfulness course, and thinking about how I can change things positively for today and for the future.
Anna is highly skilled, thoughtful and nurturing and for me challenging enough to engage in the work. I would recommend Anna 100%. Thank you Anna for being there when I needed to make some changes in my thinking and outlook."
"The changes I have experienced since my sessions with Anna have been incredible. I cannot recommend Anna enough.
My initial consultation with Anna was to improve my motivation for exercise. However, the changes have been a lot more far reaching than I ever thought imaginable. This has not been a sudden, dramatic change as perhaps I expected but subtle changes over a period of time in my overall happiness and wellbeing.
Since my sessions with Anna, I have completed a university course, lost that bit of weight that always seemed impossible to budge and started reading avidly. Doing exercise is no longer a chore and I really look forward to my weekly walking, swimming and dancing! I've also taken my business in a whole new exciting direction; giving me a new level of enjoyment and fulfilment. I also have a greater appreciation for the here and now and the beauty around me."
"Anna was incredibly welcoming and knowledgeable and the process was relaxed and safe. She gave the session a natural structure and delivered far beyond my expectations. A true professional and highly recommended."
"Suffering from insomnia for over 20 years I had tried pretty much everything. I was then advised to try hypnotherapy. I felt open to the process but didn't expect much of a result.
Anna has been amazing. The whole process has adjusted the way I view the demon that was my insomnia and just about every other aspect of my life. Anna's skilled service has retrained my thinking in so many aspects of my life, enabling me to break mind sets and historic patterns, helping me conquer so many obstacles as well as the anxiety caused by the insomnia.
I can't thank Anna enough for her compassionate, knowledgeable and professional approach. Highly recommended."
"I have found my sessions with Anna really valuable, they've been informative and soothing. I really like solution based hypnotherapy as it's given me tips and tools to help with everyday issues. I found Anna comfortable to talk to and reassuring. I wouldn't hesitate to return to her in the future!"
"I have been for many sessions with Anna and I truly admire and support the work that she does. I've found the sessions very helpful and I can manage things much better in my life...I have made positive changes to my mental health and embrace life with a more positive attitude. My anxiety is more manageable. Hypnotherapy sessions are very powerful and can make a remarkable difference to your wellbeing and your overall health."
"After only four hypnotherapy sessions, I feel more confident generally, and I am definitely more self-assured and assertive. Anna is extremely easy to talk to, and she tailors the therapy to the client's individual needs. I highly recommend her services. Thank you Anna!"
"Anna has a great ability to put a person at ease. Her tone of voice, open ear for the person in front and her personal approach create a safe and relaxing atmosphere. Whether you just want an introduction to hypnotherapy or want to work on more serious issues, she can offer good practical exercises and experiences adapted to your situation. In addition, helping you to integrate them into your everyday life with significant improvement of quality of life, as a result.
No diving into the past! Anna's work is all about future focused, solution based techniques to improve your world. All you need to bring is your motivation!"
"I have been seeing Anna for hypnotherapy for a number of months for anxiety. Anna is a lovely welcoming positive lady with lots of knowledgeable information about how hypnotherapy evokes our inner selves to have the power to achieve the things we want.
I have suffered with anxiety for a number of years. Anna has not only helped me to understand why I get anxiety but how to control it through hypnotherapy. It really has become my coping mechanism.
I can now go about my daily life with confidence that when I can feel an anxiety spell coming on I am able to take control and relax my mind so that anxiety no longer controls me. A mind that you have full control of. And if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything.
Anna has been truly amazing at paving a way for me to see a more calm and positive outlook on life and to rid myself of negative thoughts and be a better version of myself."
"I was an avid scuba diver for years, travelling all over the world diving. On a dive in the Aegean sea we set off and the water was like mirror glass. The dive lasted about an hour. When we surfaced there was a storm and the sea was at 13 feet swell. I was pulled clear of the water whilst trying to climb the ladder then slammed under the boat as it pitched and rolled.
It took 4 and a half hours to get back to shore. For the rest of the holiday I was so sea sick I couldn't even look at boats on the water without feeling sick.
Since then I have been to the harbour a few times and I have been on a dolphin safari in Wales. The water was choppy but I felt fine and can't wait to get out on the water again.. You are an absolute legend, I have my life back and can work towards going diving again.. You have given me my sea legs back which has opened up my passion to me again. I can never thank you enough.."
"Sessions with Anna have, and continue to be a hugely important part of my week. Their impact extends beyond the time spent during the session - I can now see positive aspects in almost any situation, even hideous ones; whether it be 'I was able to react calmly' or 'I now know how to deal with that better'. It’s like a superpower and a massive change for me personally! I am able to, without effort, notice joy and beauty in the world instead of feeling swamped by negativity; overwhelmed by global events and difficult personal situations. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and, without realising it (prior to my diagnosis) Anna has been a critical part of managing my symptoms. She listens and responds in an intelligent, gentle, calm and helpful manner. She is highly professional, caring and a lovely person - I would highly recommend her to anyone feeling like they need a bit of help navigating life!"
"I had regular sessions with Anna for 8 months. This involved weekly online sessions and using the recorded hypnosis at night. Anna’s sessions were uplifting and motivating and I looked forward to each session. I enjoyed taking time out of my busy schedule to solely focus on the positive things happening in my life and being challenged to come up with more positive things each week. In the sessions, we mainly focused on helping me with managing my anxiety, time management and productivity as a student. Not too long after we started the sessions, I noticed my anxiety was becoming more manageable in class and my confidence was improving. This allowed me to contribute more to the lessons which benefited my learning. With my confidence improving I have also been better at putting up boundaries and being assertive. Alongside this, my insomnia has improved considerably, my thinking has become positive and I have experienced an overall improvement in my well-being. I am grateful for this opportunity and your time Anna! Thank you."
"I would recommend Anna without question. I visited Anna to help with driving anxiety and found driving over bridges or near steep drops extremely anxiety provoking.
After a few sessions with Anna my son needed picking up from an airport on the south coast and I thought it was a good opportunity for me to push myself. I used to drive the road regularly years ago before my anxiety and knew this would be a good test.
I was able to drive for over 5 hours to collect him and his friend and was amazed at how much easier I found it. I had also forgotten when agreeing to pick him up that I would be driving along many roads with steep drops and despite this at no point did my anxiety kick in and I actually enjoyed the views."
"I have seen Anna for hypnotherapy for 9 sessions over the last 3 months. Low self-esteem and an underlying general anxiety (which occasionally flares up and leads to catastrophizing) had been ever-present in my life, to the point where I had felt it was normal to feel like that.
Working with Anna to address these deep-rooted issues has really opened up my perception as to how different my life can feel. The day-to-day changes have seemed subtle, but when I look back to before my hypnotherapy, I can see that there's actually been a fundamental shift in my mindset which I hope I can hold onto and continue to work on.
Anna herself is lovely, empathetic and non-judgemental. She can explain really clearly how our brains work and what we need to do to alter our thought processes.
Working with Anna has been such a positive experience for me and I would definitely advise anyone else with the same issues to give hypnotherapy a try."
"I would just like to say a big thank you to Anna. It has been about two months since I stopped my sessions with Anna, and I am still feeling the impact of the work we did together and going forwards with my thinking, how I feel and how I am tackling life. I partly didn't want to write the review earlier because I wasn't sure if my feeling of being able to cope with my anxiety, life stresses, etc, would be able to be maintained without the support that the hypnotherapy sessions gave me. Well it has, and I have gone back to work after Christmas with renewed energy, started a fitness class and signed up for a mindfulness course, and thinking about how I can change things positively for today and for the future.
Anna is highly skilled, thoughtful and nurturing and for me challenging enough to engage in the work. I would recommend Anna 100%. Thank you Anna for being there when I needed to make some changes in my thinking and outlook."
"The changes I have experienced since my sessions with Anna have been incredible. I cannot recommend Anna enough.
My initial consultation with Anna was to improve my motivation for exercise. However, the changes have been a lot more far reaching than I ever thought imaginable. This has not been a sudden, dramatic change as perhaps I expected but subtle changes over a period of time in my overall happiness and wellbeing.
Since my sessions with Anna, I have completed a university course, lost that bit of weight that always seemed impossible to budge and started reading avidly. Doing exercise is no longer a chore and I really look forward to my weekly walking, swimming and dancing! I've also taken my business in a whole new exciting direction; giving me a new level of enjoyment and fulfilment. I also have a greater appreciation for the here and now and the beauty around me."
"Anna was incredibly welcoming and knowledgeable and the process was relaxed and safe. She gave the session a natural structure and delivered far beyond my expectations. A true professional and highly recommended."
"Suffering from insomnia for over 20 years I had tried pretty much everything. I was then advised to try hypnotherapy. I felt open to the process but didn't expect much of a result.
Anna has been amazing. The whole process has adjusted the way I view the demon that was my insomnia and just about every other aspect of my life. Anna's skilled service has retrained my thinking in so many aspects of my life, enabling me to break mind sets and historic patterns, helping me conquer so many obstacles as well as the anxiety caused by the insomnia.
I can't thank Anna enough for her compassionate, knowledgeable and professional approach. Highly recommended."
"I have found my sessions with Anna really valuable, they've been informative and soothing. I really like solution based hypnotherapy as it's given me tips and tools to help with everyday issues. I found Anna comfortable to talk to and reassuring. I wouldn't hesitate to return to her in the future!"
"I have been for many sessions with Anna and I truly admire and support the work that she does. I've found the sessions very helpful and I can manage things much better in my life...I have made positive changes to my mental health and embrace life with a more positive attitude. My anxiety is more manageable. Hypnotherapy sessions are very powerful and can make a remarkable difference to your wellbeing and your overall health."
"After only four hypnotherapy sessions, I feel more confident generally, and I am definitely more self-assured and assertive. Anna is extremely easy to talk to, and she tailors the therapy to the client's individual needs. I highly recommend her services. Thank you Anna!"
"Anna has a great ability to put a person at ease. Her tone of voice, open ear for the person in front and her personal approach create a safe and relaxing atmosphere. Whether you just want an introduction to hypnotherapy or want to work on more serious issues, she can offer good practical exercises and experiences adapted to your situation. In addition, helping you to integrate them into your everyday life with significant improvement of quality of life, as a result.
No diving into the past! Anna's work is all about future focused, solution based techniques to improve your world. All you need to bring is your motivation!"
"I have been seeing Anna for hypnotherapy for a number of months for anxiety. Anna is a lovely welcoming positive lady with lots of knowledgeable information about how hypnotherapy evokes our inner selves to have the power to achieve the things we want.
I have suffered with anxiety for a number of years. Anna has not only helped me to understand why I get anxiety but how to control it through hypnotherapy. It really has become my coping mechanism.
I can now go about my daily life with confidence that when I can feel an anxiety spell coming on I am able to take control and relax my mind so that anxiety no longer controls me. A mind that you have full control of. And if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything.
Anna has been truly amazing at paving a way for me to see a more calm and positive outlook on life and to rid myself of negative thoughts and be a better version of myself."
"I was an avid scuba diver for years, travelling all over the world diving. On a dive in the Aegean sea we set off and the water was like mirror glass. The dive lasted about an hour. When we surfaced there was a storm and the sea was at 13 feet swell. I was pulled clear of the water whilst trying to climb the ladder then slammed under the boat as it pitched and rolled.
It took 4 and a half hours to get back to shore. For the rest of the holiday I was so sea sick I couldn't even look at boats on the water without feeling sick.
Since then I have been to the harbour a few times and I have been on a dolphin safari in Wales. The water was choppy but I felt fine and can't wait to get out on the water again.. You are an absolute legend, I have my life back and can work towards going diving again.. You have given me my sea legs back which has opened up my passion to me again. I can never thank you enough.."
"Anna herself is lovely, empathetic and non-judgemental. She can explain really clearly how our brains work and what we need to do to alter our thought processes."
"Anna listens and responds in an intelligent, gentle, calm and helpful manner. She is highly professional, caring and a lovely person"
"I can't thank Anna enough for her compassionate, knowledgeable and professional approach. Highly recommend."
"On the driving, with my son starting university I had to quickly get my motorway driving confidence back. So with a little help from your recording, and thinking about the techniques I could use I’ve now managed a couple of longer trips on the motorway and a 3 hours each way trip yesterday in the wind and rain and dark! Serious thanks to you for your sessions, I am certain your recording and the work you did with me have got my confidence back and I’m probably 95% back to normal on motorway driving. My wife even had to tell me to slow down a couple of times. So simply, thank you!”
"Anna made me realise the power of “I can” the power of my mind and putting the word "I believe" before anything else. Since the moment we started talking I trusted her, she was honest about the whole process I was about to embark with her. Trusting your therapist is crucial to overcome a smoking addiction and I can safely say that the sessions we had were a success”
"After experiencing a lengthy bout of insomnia and not wanting to rely on medication I reached out to Anna. I wasn't sure if hypnotherapy was the right path to take but after my initial meeting with Anna she reassured me and was confident she could help. I am very relieved to say that she has helped me enormously. Anna has a genuine desire to help others, she is a fantastic listener, I felt immediately relaxed in her company and inspired by her suggestions for positive change. The relaxation track that Anna provided has also been invaluable.
Thank you so much!"
"I can definitely say the sessions have helped me massively and more and more people around me and myself, have noticed positive changes. It was really easy to start quickly due to how judgement free and welcoming you were in the sessions, which was definitely important for me, as you know, I find it difficult to be comfortable around new people. I also liked how I was still able to feel independent during the process and I didn’t feel like I needed to wait for the next session to feel back to normal after having a dip in mood for a few days."
"I have just completed a block of sessions with Anna and have been so impressed by the experience. Anna is lovely, professional and made me feel at ease immediately. I wasn't sure what to expect of Hypnotherapy but, on recommendation by someone else, I was really surprised by how positive all the sessions were and left me feeling each time. The best way I can describe it is it's like a massage for the brain. It teaches you how to compartmentalise difficult thoughts/issues and then shows it how to focus and develop new and positive ones, to give you the mental energy and space to make changes in life. I can't recommend it enough!"
"Thanks Anna for all your help. I seem to be much calmer and don’t have those horrible morbid thoughts that I was having before I saw you. You have also given me a couple of techniques to help me if I do. All very positive therefore!!"
"Sessions with Anna have, and continue to be a hugely important part of my week. Their impact extends beyond the time spent during the session - I can now see positive aspects in almost any situation, even hideous ones; whether it be 'I was able to react calmly' or 'I now know how to deal with that better'. It’s like a superpower and a massive change for me personally! I am able to, without effort, notice joy and beauty in the world instead of feeling swamped by negativity; overwhelmed by global events and difficult personal situations. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and, without realising it (prior to my diagnosis) Anna has been a critical part of managing my symptoms. She listens and responds in an intelligent, gentle, calm and helpful manner. She is highly professional, caring and a lovely person - I would highly recommend her to anyone feeling like they need a bit of help navigating life!"
"I had regular sessions with Anna for 8 months. This involved weekly online sessions and using the recorded hypnosis at night. Anna’s sessions were uplifting and motivating and I looked forward to each session. I enjoyed taking time out of my busy schedule to solely focus on the positive things happening in my life and being challenged to come up with more positive things each week. In the sessions, we mainly focused on helping me with managing my anxiety, time management and productivity as a student. Not too long after we started the sessions, I noticed my anxiety was becoming more manageable in class and my confidence was improving. This allowed me to contribute more to the lessons which benefited my learning. With my confidence improving I have also been better at putting up boundaries and being assertive. Alongside this, my insomnia has improved considerably, my thinking has become positive and I have experienced an overall improvement in my well-being. I am grateful for this opportunity and your time Anna! Thank you."
"I would recommend Anna without question. I visited Anna to help with driving anxiety and found driving over bridges or near steep drops extremely anxiety provoking.
After a few sessions with Anna my son needed picking up from an airport on the south coast and I thought it was a good opportunity for me to push myself. I used to drive the road regularly years ago before my anxiety and knew this would be a good test.
I was able to drive for over 5 hours to collect him and his friend and was amazed at how much easier I found it. I had also forgotten when agreeing to pick him up that I would be driving along many roads with steep drops and despite this at no point did my anxiety kick in and I actually enjoyed the views."
"I had a consultation with Anna to get some help with menopausal symptoms. She is really knowledgeable but very kind and approachable, you get the impression she just loves to be able to help. The stuff she explained to me and the tips and techniques she gave me have been incredibly useful for everyday life as well as the menopause. I’d thoroughly recommend her."
"I have seen Anna for hypnotherapy for 9 sessions over the last 3 months. Low self-esteem and an underlying general anxiety (which occasionally flares up and leads to catastrophizing) had been ever-present in my life, to the point where I had felt it was normal to feel like that.
Working with Anna to address these deep-rooted issues has really opened up my perception as to how different my life can feel. The day-to-day changes have seemed subtle, but when I look back to before my hypnotherapy, I can see that there's actually been a fundamental shift in my mindset which I hope I can hold onto and continue to work on.
Anna herself is lovely, empathetic and non-judgemental. She can explain really clearly how our brains work and what we need to do to alter our thought processes.
Working with Anna has been such a positive experience for me and I would definitely advise anyone else with the same issues to give therapy a try."
"I would just like to say a big thank you to Anna. It has been about two months since I stopped my sessions with Anna, and I am still feeling the impact of the work we did together and going forwards with my thinking, how I feel and how I am tackling life. I partly didn't want to write the review earlier because I wasn't sure if my feeling of being able to cope with my anxiety, life stresses, etc, would be able to be maintained without the support that the hypnotherapy sessions gave me. Well it has, and I have gone back to work after Christmas with renewed energy, started a fitness class and signed up for a mindfulness course, and thinking about how I can change things positively for today and for the future.
Anna is highly skilled, thoughtful and nurturing and for me challenging enough to engage in the work. I would recommend Anna 100%. Thank you Anna for being there when I needed to make some changes in my thinking and outlook."
"The changes I have experienced since my sessions with Anna have been incredible. I cannot recommend Anna enough.
My initial consultation with Anna was to improve my motivation for exercise. However, the changes have been a lot more far reaching than I ever thought imaginable. This has not been a sudden, dramatic change as perhaps I expected but subtle changes over a period of time in my overall happiness and wellbeing.
Since my sessions with Anna, I have completed a university course, lost that bit of weight that always seemed impossible to budge and started reading avidly. Doing exercise is no longer a chore and I really look forward to my weekly walking, swimming and dancing! I've also taken my business in a whole new exciting direction; giving me a new level of enjoyment and fulfilment. I also have a greater appreciation for the here and now and the beauty around me."
"Anna was incredibly welcoming and knowledgeable and the process was relaxed and safe. She gave the session a natural structure and delivered far beyond my expectations. A true professional and highly recommended."
"Suffering from insomnia for over 20 years I had tried pretty much everything. I was then advised to try hypnotherapy. I felt open to the process but didn't expect much of a result.
Anna has been amazing. The whole process has adjusted the way I view the demon that was my insomnia and just about every other aspect of my life. Anna's skilled service has retrained my thinking in so many aspects of my life, enabling me to break mind sets and historic patterns, helping me conquer so many obstacles as well as the anxiety caused by the insomnia.
I can't thank Anna enough for her compassionate, knowledgeable and professional approach. Highly recommended."
"I have found my sessions with Anna really valuable, they've been informative and soothing. I really like solution based hypnotherapy as it's given me tips and tools to help with everyday issues. I found Anna comfortable to talk to and reassuring. I wouldn't hesitate to return to her in the future!"
"I have been for many sessions with Anna and I truly admire and support the work that she does. I've found the sessions very helpful and I can manage things much better in my life...I have made positive changes to my mental health and embrace life with a more positive attitude. My anxiety is more manageable. Hypnotherapy sessions are very powerful and can make a remarkable difference to your wellbeing and your overall health."
"After only four hypnotherapy sessions, I feel more confident generally, and I am definitely more self-assured and assertive. Anna is extremely easy to talk to, and she tailors the therapy to the client's individual needs. I highly recommend her services. Thank you Anna!"
"Anna has a great ability to put a person at ease. Her tone of voice, open ear for the person in front and her personal approach create a safe and relaxing atmosphere. Whether you just want an introduction to hypnotherapy or want to work on more serious issues, she can offer good practical exercises and experiences adapted to your situation. In addition, helping you to integrate them into your everyday life with significant improvement of quality of life, as a result.
No diving into the past! Anna's work is all about future focused, solution based techniques to improve your world. All you need to bring is your motivation!"
"I have been seeing Anna for hypnotherapy for a number of months for anxiety. Anna is a lovely welcoming positive lady with lots of knowledgeable information about how hypnotherapy evokes our inner selves to have the power to achieve the things we want.
I have suffered with anxiety for a number of years. Anna has not only helped me to understand why I get anxiety but how to control it through hypnotherapy. It really has become my coping mechanism.
I can now go about my daily life with confidence that when I can feel an anxiety spell coming on I am able to take control and relax my mind so that anxiety no longer controls me. A mind that you have full control of. And if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything.
Anna has been truly amazing at paving a way for me to see a more calm and positive outlook on life and to rid myself of negative thoughts and be a better version of myself."
"I was an avid scuba diver for years, travelling all over the world diving. On a dive in the Aegean sea we set off and the water was like mirror glass. The dive lasted about an hour. When we surfaced there was a storm and the sea was at 13 feet swell. I was pulled clear of the water whilst trying to climb the ladder then slammed under the boat as it pitched and rolled.
It took 4 and a half hours to get back to shore. For the rest of the holiday I was so sea sick I couldn't even look at boats on the water without feeling sick.
Since then I have been to the harbour a few times and I have been on a dolphin safari in Wales. The water was choppy but I felt fine and can't wait to get out on the water again.. You are an absolute legend, I have my life back and can work towards going diving again.. You have given me my sea legs back which has opened up my passion to me again. I can never thank you enough.."
Thank you for your enquiry, I will respond to your message as soon as possible.